... But, wait, I'm only 23 years old! @_@;
I'm in love with the new level sync function that was introduced in today's update. I wasn't so much concerned about how stats scaled down, I just wanted a reason to play with LS mates and friends of different levels. Unfortunately, prior to the patch, to do such a thing would require you to keep your levels the same or just go up to 75. I would have difficulty trying to get people who once played the game to return, mainly because they would be unable to play with me until I had a job around their levels.
I've been around the block, 5 times to be exact. Unless you static and kept that static going, you'll most likely going to end up in pick up parties. You run into some jackasses, you run into some nice people... but you don't have control over that. While the theme of FFXI is to rely on a community to reach your goals, often times we would have many things conflicting to prevent this from happening...
... Today removed one of those conflicts.
Today, me and a few of my linkshell mates (Lissy included!) went out to Buburimu with a level 13 MNK to act as our level sync designator. It was a very fun experience, being able to sit down with friends and LS mates that know what they're doing and not be bothered by trying to keep party levels close or anything. It was also nice to just simply ask someone in the LS if a replacement is needed. We got him up to level 18 and got my MNK from 26 to 28 as well. I had a lot of fun tonight and I just know that it will be a smooth ride through to hit 75 all over again.
Now, there were many complaints about the level sync system. The most common one I heard was the fact that stats were sharply capped. Now, I can see why everyone is pretty upset about this but I don't think such a thing is a problem. The idea is to give those that are higher leveled with something to just work with, nothing to make them over powered and nothing to make them on par with the "highest" equipment at that level. There is a reason why this is so: level sync is meant to be in case there's no possible way to build a party otherwise. It would be recommended for a solid party to be as close to the same level as possible. For stuff like ENMs or BCNMs that are capped: If you're really serious about winning, you'd gear it properly for it. It is really no different other than to just not walk into something naked.
Another complaint is the fact that skill level won't increase while you're capped. This makes total sense and really the only solution would be to just to take the time to skill it up. It's difficult to skill up something when you're so far behind so really, just try not to be completely behind on it.
I do have some complaints myself. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is the most perfect thing in the world.
1. Whenever the target member levels or delevels, it automatically resyncs. While it is nice that it does that, it also removes your buffs and your TP. It is slightly annoying but I can live with it but it would be nice not have to run into a battle as if we just started every time the target guy levels.
2. Just as a point of reference, I'd like to see who is the targeted member for level sync. There's no way to tell until they level and the level gets resynced.
3. Resync should not work with the target player being 75. Someone can be a total jackass of a leader in an event and can remove all your buffs when they enable level sync (which I happened to have done by accident!). Kinda not a cool thing.
4. A way to tell in /search if someone is level synced or not would be a good idea.
But anyways, try it out with some friends if you got the time. You'll enjoy it quite a bit. It brings me back when I was a wee lil' Taru and I had no worries of the responsibilities of an End Game LS. I just felt like I was playing the game as a game again.~
Enn's on the move!
16 years ago
A red dot appears next to the name of the person the whole party is synched to
O_O My eyes! I don't think I saw that. ;_;
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