Friday, August 8, 2008

Campaign Shenanigans

In the great ole past of the golden Windurst days... *ahem* I mean, in the horrible beat up past in Windurst that just so happens to be influenced greatly by players of the future... we have tons and tons of mobs, beating on our fortifications. Of course, some of those mobs are stupid and heck, some of those mobs are "smart" for the wrong reasons.


Yeah, you see that Shadowhand Cuirassier? You see how it's lodged up in that wall? Guess what? You can't hit it, cast anything on it, and unless you find some other mob next to it to do an AoE spell, you can't do anything at all to it.

How did this situation happen? Well, I manage to get aggro on one of these things and pretty much, I was expecting NPCs to be in this area (and there are, NPCs can spawn here) and I was running around the area and lost aggro... and then I noticed it started to glitch through the wall and beat up on the fortification there. Even I explained it to Ennayram!


And really, I couldn't cast crap on him, even from above or to the sides. Eventually the NPCs showed up...


And yeah, that clusterbunch of Mithra there just went to town on those NPCs.

You figure this is just some rare random occurrence and it doesn't happen more than once... right...?


I was about to cast Thundaga 3 on the one siting out there but then someone ended up pulling that lone one before I got the spell off... again, had to wait for reenforcements.


Oh boy... Campaign... ftl.

In other news, we (the Salvage group) finally beat all 4 Salvage bosses and I feel pretty stoked about it... but at the same time, I also feel pretty sad as well. Except for a few 15 pieces in Zhaylom and like 1 or 2 more 35 NMs... I've pretty much almost seen everything in Salvage. It's sad because I've enjoyed it every since I started it and to have some of the excitement and challenges just "end" like that is kinda... kinda sad really. It's really no more amazements or shock value or anything (which Einherjar has so I have that to fall back on) but still, after seeing everything in Salvage and having such a great group to do them with, it's really all about optimization from this point on, much like trying to get the highest rank on Trauma Center for a certain operation or beating a time attack time in some racing game. I want to keep doing Salvage, even if I end up getting 5/5 Usukane. I mean, yeah I have BLM now and Morrigan's is nice but I'm not even thinking about them right now and I have so many other things to get before I even think about them. Really, to have a full set of Salvage gear is already accomplishing a lot so I'm in no rush... besides, I want to get myself a Mystic GKT. :3

... At least I think that's the term now... Relic for Dynamis based Weapons and Mystic for Nyzul based Weapons. Makes sense I suppose.

Even though people may get upset with the fact that you can keep grinding these areas and will probably not see a drop most of the time, I will still enjoy Salvage. I will admit, Salvage has some dry spots, mainly the early floors. I hope that WotG introduces something similiar to keep the game fresh.

Oh and.... fancy bling bling for your FFXI player? :3 Somehow, I don't think buying Lissy a "Tidal Talisman" would fit her fancy. Now if they sold a Duelist Chapeau, a real life one that also comes with a free in-game one... !!! She's bound to pelt me with hugs and kisses!


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