I recently received all 3 pieces of the Usukane Hizayoroi and have submitted them to be created... While I got a fairly decent piece for SAM (though there are many debates about it, most say its a great WS piece), I can't feel excited yet since I realized I'm but just one small step into getting full Usukane and that a huge, long journey awaits in doing constant Salvage after Salvage to get the whole set.
Needless to say... I'm anything but happy about it.
Its a mentality that has shocked me today even. I am usually the happy-go-lucky Taru that just gets stuff and go "awesomes! I got the power ups! I won the FFXI!" It wasn't the case today with this. I guess after seeing so many people not being able to get what they need out of Salvage and having to constantly burn Assault Points and end up with no reward in the end... Its frustration that I have yet felt. I don't believe I have the right to be "happy" with what I got. Its also pretty upsetting watching my own girlfriend not having her Morrigan's Body 25 item to drop as only upsets her more and more as the days go by without one dropping.
... Perhaps I've hit a point in FFXI where its no longer about being that happy-go-lucky Taru... but more of a serious business attitude as a player in this world of Vana'diel. I can feel it too, a level of frustration that exists because I can't obtain what I need for my character because of obligations outside of my control. I'm sure this exists for everyone out there that plays this game.
Of course, this isn't a good thing, it isn't a good mentality to have. I've lost sleep over trying to obtain an Ace's Helm and potentially screwed myself over in trying to interact with other people in my own LS because I'm in bed all the time until afternoon. The game becomes dry at that point, I feel that this game is now dry. I would need to break out of this habit and just remember the reasons why I play this game in the first place. I will still do Salvage regardless with Liseth because that is why I started doing it: To be with Liseth. As for these other "things" that make my online persona stronger... it may be something I should just avoid trying to seek after and just let it drop on my lap when the opportunity comes. If we just manage to nab up a KV and no one wants an Ace's Helm and its given to me, its probably better off that way rather than me trying to lose my sanity over a few booleans, random number generators and so on.
To be the "Best Taru Samurai Ever" has a price, one that I am not willing to pay for at this point. As long as I'm able to be with Liseth and help her out in any way, that's all I can ever ask for with my 13 some dollar subscription.
Enn's on the move!
16 years ago
You should be happy about your first Salvage piece. In the end you have to remember it's just a game and that no matter what you should play to have fun. Salvage is IMMENSELY thrilling for me and is one of the main things that keeps me motivated.
"it may be something I should just avoid trying to seek after and just let it drop on my lap when the opportunity comes"
I think this is the key to FFXI. Just let it happen and have fun doing other stuff in the meantime. When the GAME becomes BUSINESS, people should really think about quitting. The time we spend on this should be fun and if it becomes work, we need to replace it with something fun again. Don't burn yourself out MK!
BTW, it was nice to meet you the other night.
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